Areas of expertise

I have over twenty years’ experience in setting up, preparing and drafting project proposals for financing. I have acquired similar experience in project management and the coordination of international partnerships, resulting in the creation of an extensive network of experts, managers and trainers.

I determine and implement the Work Breakdown Structure, dividing it up into Work Packages, with tasks, timing, procedures, outcomes (deliverables), and human resource demands. I deal with monitoring the progress of project activities – paying particular attention to those involving sub-contractors -  deal with overall project co-ordination, and the drafting of reports for the European Commission.

As regards financial aspects, I have checked the financial soundness of numerous projects, carrying out the financial management (budget expenditure planning,  formal correctness checks, expenditure eligibility according to program rules, etc.) and collaborating with the beneficiary's and partners’ accounts departments/accountants.

I organize technical-scientific events for the dissemination of information when these are envisaged in the projects, checking and coordinating  their contents with the other partners.

I have experience of a wide range of project activity fields: from automation to R&D in several sectors, climate change, energy, water management, sustainable agriculture, cultural innovation, training, etc.

MDF Europrogettazione di Maurizio Dal Ferro

MdF Euro Progettazione di Maurizio dal Ferro - VIALE BASSANI 55, 36016 THIENE (VI) - email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - P.iva 02657030249 

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