
I assist different types of organization - from SMEs to corporations, from public administrations to associations  – in the development of proactive strategies to access European Union funds, reviewing relevant program opportunities which would support the project idea, identifying who to contact and when.

I offer consultancy in designing, fine-tuning and finalizing the project, building the necessary partnerships, defining and drafting all essential documentation for its presentation and successful submission. I can ensure administrative and financial management of  projects including reporting to the financing authorities, managing the project and coordinating the partnerships, establishing appropriate rules.

I prepare monitoring, audits and inspections, complete financial, technical and administrative reports to meet the financing bodies’ expectations, from the negotiation of the contract (Grant Agreement) to the drafting of the final technical implementation report.

I initiate and maintain contact with the European Commission - and with partners - to ensure that the project achieves its objectives.

MDF Europrogettazione di Maurizio Dal Ferro

MdF Euro Progettazione di Maurizio dal Ferro - VIALE BASSANI 55, 36016 THIENE (VI) - email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. - P.iva 02657030249 

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